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Canada to invite 23,100 interested potential sponsors for Parents and Grandparents Program 2022

The Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) 2022 application intake process has just been made public in Canada.

Over the following two weeks, 23,100 interested potential sponsors will get invitations to apply from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). This amount, according to IRCC, will allow it to fulfil its mandate to accept up to 15,000 complete applications for sponsorship under the PGP 2022. Later this week invites will start to arrive.

In the fall of 2020, IRCC will make a selection from individuals who indicated a desire to sponsor their parents and/or grandparents. According to IRCC, there are still over 155,000 potential sponsors in the pool. At that time, prospective sponsors had three weeks to express interest by filling out a form on the IRCC website. Then, IRCC conducted a lottery and received about 10,000 entries for the PGP 2020.

Eligibility for the PGP

You are eligible to sponsor your parents and grandparents if:

  • you completed an interest to sponsor form on IRCC’s website between 12 PM ET on October 13, 2020, and 12 PM ET on November 3, 2020
  • you are at least 18 years old
  • you live in Canada
  • you are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act
  • you have enough money to support the people you want to sponsor (by demonstrating you meet the Minimum Necessary Income)

One of the main requirements for PGP eligibility is Minimum Necessary Income (MNI). Only after expressing interest in sponsorship via the online form is this proof of requisite income required. However, those applicants who are chosen and requested to apply but do not have the required minimum income will have their applications rejected.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will require Notices of Assessment for each of the three taxation years that immediately preceded the date of the applicant’s application from sponsors across Canada (in every province and territory except Quebec).

Determine the size of your family, taking into account everyone for whom you will be responsible financially once you become a sponsor, to ensure that you fulfil the minimum income requirements. This includes:

  • the interested sponsor;
  • their spouse or common-law partner;
  • their dependent children;
  • their spouse’s or partner’s dependent children;
  • any other person the interested sponsor may have sponsored in the past, for whom they’re still financially responsible;
  • the parents and grandparents they want to sponsor and their dependents (spouse or partner and dependent children);
  • any dependent children who won’t come to Canada with their parents or grandparents;
  • their parent or grandparent’s spouse or partner, even if they won’t come to Canada;
  • their parent or grandparents’ separated spouse.

The IRCC is reducing its MNI thresholds for the calendar years 2021 and 2020 by 30% in comparison to what they would ordinarily be due to the loss of income that many people have endured during the coronavirus outbreak. A sponsor’s income may also be used in the calculation of regular Employment Insurance benefits and temporary COVID-19 benefits (such as the Canada Emergency Response Benefit).

Sponsors who live in Quebec

The immigration ministry of Quebec conducts an income assessment of Canadians who reside in Quebec and desire to sponsor a parent or grandparent in accordance with the provincial income guidelines.

Sponsors that are interested must submit a written undertaking to the IRCC and the Government of Quebec. This agreement specifies the length of time the sponsor will be liable for the family members they are sponsoring after they are granted permanent residency in Canada.

For inhabitants of all Canadian provinces, excluding Quebec, the obligation for parents and grandparents is 20 years. The pledge is valid for a period of ten years for Quebec citizens.

Super Visa

The Super Visa, which has a 10-year validity period and permits holders to stay in Canada as visitors for five years without having to renew their documentation, may also be available to parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens.

Lucky Vohra
Author: Lucky Vohra

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