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Canada to welcome 500,000 new immigrants in 2025

Canada recently unveiled its Immigration Levels Plan for the years 2023–2025.

In 2023, Canada plans to take in 465,000 new immigrants.

In 2024, the goal will increase to 485,000 new immigrants.

By 2025, there will be 500,000 more immigrants.

In 2021, Canada welcomed over 405,000 immigrants, breaking its previous record. This year, it hopes to receive close to 432,000 immigrants.

The Immigration Levels Plan determines the number of immigrants that Canada hopes to accept each year. Growing the economy, reuniting families, and providing asylum to refugees fleeing persecution abroad are among Canada’s immigration objectives.

Canada Express Entry and PNP targets will rise

Most new immigrants who become permanent residents do so via provincial nomination programmes or economic class programmes like those found in the Express Entry system (PNPs).

The following targets will increase for Express Entry landings of principal applicants, spouses, and dependents:

  • 82,880 in 2023
  • 109,020 in 2024
  • 114,000 in 2025

The PNP will continue to be Canada’s top programme for admitting immigrants from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, and its goals will also rise to:

  • 105,500 in 2023
  • 110,000 in 2024
  • 117,500 in 2025

Canada Higher PGP admissions

The goal of IRCC is to reunite families. The Immigration Levels Plan’s second-largest permanent residence class after economic class programmes is family class sponsorship. Programs for family-based immigration require sponsors to be a spouse, partner, child, or other immediate family members.

Under the Spouses, Partners, and Children programme, Canada will continue to seek to accept about 80,000 new immigrants each year.

The Parents and Grandparents Program’s target population will increase to 28,500 in 2023, 34,000 in 2024, and 36,000 in 2025.

Canada Refugee and humanitarian class targets to decline

Under the Immigration Levels Plan, refugees and humanitarian class immigrants also receive funding. Canadians have a long history of granting asylum to refugees who are fleeing dangerous conditions in their home countries.

Due to its ongoing efforts to complete several campaigns, such as welcoming about 40,000 Afghan refugees, Canada currently has high humanitarian class targets.

The overall target for the refugee population will be slightly more than 76,000 new landings in 2023 and 2024, before falling to 72,750 in 2025.

The humanitarian class target is on a downward trend as well, falling from almost 16,000 in 2023 to 8,000 in 2025.

Canada’s immigration strategy

In the 1980s, Canada’s current immigration policy started to take shape. The government at the time did not plan as far ahead and frequently based immigration targets on the current state of the economy.

Canada received fewer than 90,000 immigrants in 1984. The Canadian government, led by the Conservatives, anticipated a labour shortage in the early 1990s and increased immigration targets to 250,000 new permanent residents in just eight years.

The succeeding Liberal administration expanded on these goals but, as a result of a financial crisis, started to emphasise welcoming more immigrants from the economic class and lowering Canada’s proportion of immigrants from the family and humanitarian classes.

Canada welcomed about 260,000 immigrants a year until the current Liberal government took office in 2015. The goal raised to 300,000 and to 340,000 just before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

Border closures and other travel restrictions in 2020 have made it difficult for the IRCC to process your application. Still, Canada surpassed her 2021 immigration goal and broke her record for permanent residency invitations of 405,000 in a single year. These goals have been achieved through extensive placement allocations through the Canadian Experience Class and the Provincial Nomination Program (PNP).

Canada is currently in a unique period of labour shortages with nearly one million job openings. Both are driving forces for the country’s growing migration destinations.

The labour shortage is also impacted by Canada’s fertility rate of 1.4 per woman, one of the lowest in the world. Due to slow natural population growth (births still outnumber deaths each year), immigration will soon be the only way to increase Canada’s population and workforce. New entrants are also needed to maintain a strong tax base, a key component of Canada’s efforts to provide basic services such as education and health care.

Canada has one of the world’s oldest populations. By 2030, nearly a quarter of Canada’s population, about nine million people, will reach retirement age. This will lead to urgent labour shortages in all sectors of the economy.

The government must publish an immigration-level plan by November 1st of each year under Canada’s primary immigration law, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). However, the 2022-2024 Immigration Level Plan will be his second to be announced in 2022 and the first in February following the final federal election on September 20, 2021. , and the 2021 announcement has been delayed.

Rajdeep Kaur
Author: Rajdeep Kaur

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